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Relationships: Return on Investment

  • bbash 
photo of people near wooden table

The term, return on investment, is often used in relation to financial decisions.  However, a number of times this week I have raised the issue of return on investment in relationships when it comes to the amount of energy people are putting in comparison to what they perceive they are getting back.

I know it might be strange to look at relationships, whether person, business, or intimate, in this light.  But it is a nice and different way to assess the value of the relationship.

What I ask people to do is assess how much physical, mental, and emotional energy into a relationship and whether they feel that they are getting the same amount back.  In other words, is the other person equally committed?

Now, I need to be clear here on one point.  If you do something for someone with the view of getting something back in return, you are engaging in a business model; and not a real relationship of give and take.

That said; if you assess your relationship and you are giving and they are only taking.  Then this is a one-sided relationship and your return on investment is nil.  You should re-assess this relationship.

However, if you assess your relationship as generally equal, then you are getting a good return on investment.

If you are getting more than you are putting in, you might be in a one-sided relationship.  Perhaps you can assess your investment and see if you can do more.

The key to this assessment is the overall relationship, not just a one-off event.  Because there are times that some will give more, and times, take more.  So this is why it is important to assess the overall relationship.

If you are struggling with assessing a relationship, or not sure how to fix your relationship; then give me a ring and make a time to chat.

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