My Services

How I can help you…


Counselling provides a range of approaches and techniques to work though your issues.  I incorporate elements from all counselling approaches to work toward your goal.
Contact me to see how I can support you.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to help you identify what the issue is and work to resolve it.  Hypnotherapy works by placing you in a relaxed state and communicating with your subconscious.  This was you can work on your problems without you using your conscious blocks as obstacles to progress.
To learn more about hypnotherapy go here.

Life Advice

At various points in our life we come to a cross-road and are not sure which way to turn. Whether we should stay on the road, or go in a different direction?
This indecision, while troubling, does not amount to something where you need formal counselling. Rather, you might want to speak with someone independent and gain some external clarity.

Contact me to see how I can support you.