About me

About me

I have come to the profession with a life time of experiences and education.

I moved to Horsham in 2016 and identified that there is a need for an alternative approach to dealing with mental health life’s daily challenges.  I have always been interested in hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).  I have used elements of these in my life, and when coaching people in the adult education environment.

I formally studied Clinical Hypnotherapy and NLP during 2018, and to add to this training I have also completed a Graduate Diploma in Counselling with a specialisation in Mental Health

To ensure I continue to provide the best possible service with modern ideas and approaches I am completing the Graduate Diploma in Counselling with a specialisation in Mental Health.  This will entitle me to join several professional associations that require continual professional development (CPD).  CPD is important as it allows for continual improvement and upgrading of my skills.  I will also be kept informed of the latest research and approach to therapy and counselling.

I have several academic qualifications which are:

  • Graduate Diploma in Counselling (Mental Health) – University of Southern Queensland (2020)
  • Graduate Certificate in Counselling (Mental Health) – University of Southern Queensland (2019)
  • Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching – University of Melbourne (2015)
  • Master of Education – University of Southern Queensland (2012)
  • Bachelor of Business (Management/Leadership) – University of Southern Queensland (2009)

I was granted another Master of Education from Griffith University in 2019.  This is in lieu of the Doctor of Education that I withdrew from in 2018.  Prior to with drawing I spent several years studying critical thinking, decision-making under pressure, and interviewed 60 emergency services personnel about their perceptions of critical thinking.

I bring all of the formal knowledge combined with my life experience to work with you so we can develop an individualised approach so you can put the pieces back into place and get on with living.




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